
Turning Point Staff Members

Norman Chandler

Director/Pastor of
Turning Point Ministry

Norm chandler
Norman came to the home in July 2004 after a life long battle with drug addiction. Upon completion of his one year in the program he did a 4 month internship and became a staff member​ in November 2005.

Norman took on the role as the Men's Home Supervisor in June of 2007, handling all the day to day functions of the home. And in December 2010 after the Founder Mike Johnson went home to be with the Lord, Norman became the Director/Pastor of the Ministry.

Norman has extensive experience in faith based substance abuse treatment.

He has developed collaborative working relationships with every component of the criminal justice system and has a long history of working closely with both the prosecution and defense to provide services for individuals with substance abuse problems.

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Luis Barajas

Turning Point
Men's Home Supervisor

In December 2010, Luis became the Men's Home Supervisor and is responsible for the day to day operations.

There are many activities that go into keeping the home running smoothly including work scheduling, doctors appointments, going to court, handling probation and parole officer requests and much more.

Luis works tirelessly to ensure the home is functioning as it should and is a tremendous asset to Turning Point.

Ken Vest

Turning Point
Men's Home Staff

Ken vest
After a life of drug addiction and prison, Ken Vest entered Turning Point on May 31, 2011. Upon finishing his year and internship, Ken recognized the call of God upon his life.

He knew that he was being called to full time ministry and became a staff member at Turning Point Men's Home. He assists Luis Barajas in running the day to day functions of the men's home and is instrumental in facilitating our court certified anger management class for the public.​

Ken has a desire and gift to share Gods word and has been doing so at the Life Center. Because of his faithfulness, God has blessed Ken with a wife, a new family and is restoring his relationship with his children.
"Most People would say that they owe God a debt they cannot pay but the Bible says because He is merciful, He has paid my debt and set me free. His love has made me a brand new person. I would like to thank God and Turning Point Men's Home for all that they have done for me." 
— Ken Vest

Eduardo Ramos
Turning Point
Men's Home Staff

I came to Turning Point Men's Home on May 14, 2014.  After 20 years of drug abuse and being in and out of jail.  I rededicated my life to the Lord and struggled to learn the disciple and structure that I had been lacking in my life.

After 16 months of hard work and dedication I managed to complete my internship and went on to become a staff member of Turning Point.

I now have the opportunity to give back to the home, I am blessed to help the men by sharing my testimony with them and what the Lord has done in my life.

The Lord has blessed me with a family and I am now a deacon at my home church. I am very thankful to the Lord and to Turning Point for all they do.

My desire is to help somebody change their life through my testimony.