
Certified Domestic Violence
and Anger Management Program

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We at Turning Point Ministries understand that the creation of appropriate programs requires a thorough understanding of domestic violence dynamics, methods of intervention, proper and safe alternatives to violence and knowledge of domestic violence laws and legal system.

Turning Point Ministries Domestic Violence Program is a faith-based program utilizing the Turning Point - Living Free Curriculum.

It's history starts with being founded in 1988 by Dr. Jimmy Ray Lee in response to an invitation by a local church in Chattanooga, Tennessee, to help some members struggling with personal problems. Turning Point has grown from 38 participants to over 250,000 participants. Dr. Lee has years of experience helping struggling people overcome problems. He is the founder of two Teen Challenge Centers and Project 714, a national school-based prevention and intervention program for students.

Turning Point Ministries has been conducting Anger Management and other related life skill classes since 1999 utilizing the Turning Point Living-Free curriculum and following the DeLuth domestic violence intake forms procedures.

We have provided these group sessions to hundred’s that have been Court Ordered hear in the Imperial Valley.

Our program is a 52-week program that is conducted in small groups of 12 or less; the sessions are for two hours once a week. Our program is provided in English for male and female. We allow a maximum of 3 absences though out the 52-week program which must be made-up prior receiving a completion.

Enrollment and Program Information

Contact Norm Chandler at 760-960-2556