Where The Spirit Of The Lord Is
There Is Freedom

My name is Leonardo Quiroz and 7 months ago I wasn’t able to say that.

Since the age of 17 I had been bound in the chains of addiction. A place at times so dark and lonely I wouldn’t wish it upon my worst enemy.

Meth had taken me from my family, friends, relationships, not to mention career opportunities, and my freedom.

I started to go to county jail when I was eighteen and by the time I was 34 I spent 18 months in the State Penitentiary. Even after that time in prison and the complete destruction of all good things in my life, I went back to my addiction.

In 2016 I was involved in a horrible tractor accident which nearly took my life. During that time I cried out to the Lord for help and He saved me, but because of a lack of complete surrender I again turned back to Meth.
Romans 6 6
It wasn’t until April 2022 that I hit rock bottom. My trailer burnt to the ground while on my way to a class with Pastor Norm. I was told the week before there was always a bed available at the Men’s Home. It wasn’t until I came to the Home that my relationship with the Lord has grown.

Today I am free from my addiction. My family comes to church, my children talk with their dad, and for the first time in 30 years I have a relationship with my dad. This is only possible through the grace of a loving God who I have surrendered to and continue to seek daily.

I want to give thanks first to God. Thank you, Norm, for allowing God to work through you to give me this opportunity. Thank you, Louie, for everything you do, not only for myself, but for each man in the Home.

Thank you all who pray and support this ministry. If it was not for Turning Point and a merciful God none of this would’ve been possible.