LIfe Is Better With Jesus!

My name is Victor Acosta, and I would like to tell you how my life has changed for the better with Christ as my Lord and Savior.
I remember my mom would go through a lot of hardships because my father was a heroin addict, out of my siblings, I am the only one that did bad. It all started when I was 16 years old, I stared smoking meth.
Well, it was not long before I started to go down that long road of addiction. I did it for many years, and I remember their would-be times my mom would say "Mijo get yourself into a home and change your life", but in the back of my mind I thought I did not need a home. I met my girlfriend around 2008 and we took off to Coachella to start a new life.
I was doing alright for a while. Then I started using again, and then my girlfriend asked me to move out because of my addiction. This was the one of the deepest, and dark times in my life.
I came back to Brawley, my sister and mom ask me to move in with them, but it was not long, and they kicked me out. I was homeless and not doing well at all, and that is when I picked up a criminal case for a 211 which is ROBBERY.
I was able to get out of jail, now on probation, which was not good either because I kept going in and out of jail for violating my probation.
During this time in my life, I did not keep in touch with anyone, and all I worried about was about myself. I ended up getting shot and by the grace of God I survived. I would remember my Mom telling me Mijo stop it already before it gets worse.
I remember my mom would go through a lot of hardships because my father was a heroin addict, out of my siblings, I am the only one that did bad. It all started when I was 16 years old, I stared smoking meth.
Well, it was not long before I started to go down that long road of addiction. I did it for many years, and I remember their would-be times my mom would say "Mijo get yourself into a home and change your life", but in the back of my mind I thought I did not need a home. I met my girlfriend around 2008 and we took off to Coachella to start a new life.
I was doing alright for a while. Then I started using again, and then my girlfriend asked me to move out because of my addiction. This was the one of the deepest, and dark times in my life.
I came back to Brawley, my sister and mom ask me to move in with them, but it was not long, and they kicked me out. I was homeless and not doing well at all, and that is when I picked up a criminal case for a 211 which is ROBBERY.
I was able to get out of jail, now on probation, which was not good either because I kept going in and out of jail for violating my probation.
During this time in my life, I did not keep in touch with anyone, and all I worried about was about myself. I ended up getting shot and by the grace of God I survived. I would remember my Mom telling me Mijo stop it already before it gets worse.