Turning point 1

June 2023
Banquet Highlights
- Pastor Norm

I just wanted to take this time to thank everyone for their support for this year’s Turning Point Men’s Home Banquet. From our Silver, Bronze, and Gold sponsors we say thank you for your commitment to help continue the work the Lord is doing here at Turning Point Men's Home.

This year we had a Diamond sponsor, so a big thank you to Controlled Thermal Resource who sponsored the whole event at Old Eucalyptus School House.

They made it possible for us to be able to profit every penny that was earned at the banquet.

It was so good to be back amongst our supporters once again this year.

The three years we were away because of covid seemed like forever. Not only is the banquet our yearly fundraiser it also brings everyone together once a year to fellowship and praise God for the work that he is doing here at turning point.

And if you were there that night you heard amazing testimonies of gods goodness and grace.

You saw lives transformed by the power of God. Men who once where outcast of society, who were once locked up in prison, who were bound by addiction and sin give glory to God for his saving grace.
Turning point 2
We have been witnessing this amazing work of the Lord for the last 28 years here at Turning Point. Countless men have come and surrendered their lives to the Lord Jesus Christ.

We have seen mothers, fathers and family members get saved and baptized as well.

The rock goes in the pond and there is not just one but many ripples. So it is with the men that come into the home. Their rock went into the pond at Turning Point with Christ and the ripples continue to flow from there.

As scripture states, “we don’t know what tomorrow may bring” and how we found that to be true in 2020 when the banquet was cancelled due to Covid. So, we do not know what will happen next year, but it is our hope that we can do it all again.

That we can gather, fellowship, break bread and raise some funds for a great ministry that is in the trenches doing the Lord’s work.

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