For I Was Once In Darkness
But Now I Live In HIS Light

Tommy guiterrez
Hello, my name is Tommy Gutierrez and I am an intern here Turning Point Men’s Home.

Years ago, I lost myself to anger and drug addiction. I was born and raised in Imperial Valley and was brought up in a Catholic home. I moved to Coachella where I lived with my girlfriend and two children for 13 years. Because of my drug and alcohol addiction it affected my relationship and we went our separate ways.

I returned to Imperial Valley where I stayed with family and my addiction spiraled out of control. In my addiction, I isolated myself from my friends and family.

“Ephesians 5:8 For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light”

The mistakes I made eventually led me to be homeless and living on the streets.

At times I felt the Lord was blessing me through the people that helped me while I was homeless. I started praying to God to help me make a change in my life.

I was tired of the life I was living and had nowhere else to turn. 

During this time of being homeless I was not reporting to my probation officer. After being on the run for three months, I was finally arrested and brought to jail.
James 5 20
And once I was in jail, I was given the opportunity to come to the men’s home. I have now been here for 15 months. I have completed my year and have one more month to go until I complete my internship.

When my internship is completed, I will be going into transition living. There I will be able to find a job and work my way back into society. I have accepted Christ as my Lord and Savior, and I look forward to my new life in Him.

I thank God for the ministry of Turning Point, and I thank you for your continued support to this ministry.

I am truly a life that was changed.