Only By God's Grace
Am I Here Today

By the grace of God, I can write this short testimony. My name is Ben Moreno, and I am a sinner saved by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.
My life has not been an easy road. I grew up in an abusive household where I witnessed physical, verbal abuse as well as alcoholism. I found my escape from that world through drugs alcohol at a young age. My depression grew worse as I grew older, and the pain was covered with more and more drug abuse.
I moved from Brawley to try and start a new life but everywhere I went to I would end up the same depression and the same drug addiction. This lifestyle kept me from having a family and achieving any goals in my life. Although there was a time in 2009 after my mother died that I knew I needed to make a change. I found God but fell away from Him and backslid. This happened many times over the past 12 years.
My sister found me in Brawley homeless and in a horrible state of mind. That is not to mention my physical state either. I was on the verge of death. She took me to Turning Point Men’s Home where I was loved back to health.
My life has not been an easy road. I grew up in an abusive household where I witnessed physical, verbal abuse as well as alcoholism. I found my escape from that world through drugs alcohol at a young age. My depression grew worse as I grew older, and the pain was covered with more and more drug abuse.
I moved from Brawley to try and start a new life but everywhere I went to I would end up the same depression and the same drug addiction. This lifestyle kept me from having a family and achieving any goals in my life. Although there was a time in 2009 after my mother died that I knew I needed to make a change. I found God but fell away from Him and backslid. This happened many times over the past 12 years.
My sister found me in Brawley homeless and in a horrible state of mind. That is not to mention my physical state either. I was on the verge of death. She took me to Turning Point Men’s Home where I was loved back to health.