Only By God's Grace
Am I Here Today


Ben moreno
By the grace of God, I can write this short testimony. My name is Ben Moreno, and I am a sinner saved by the BLOOD OF JESUS CHRIST.

My life has not been an easy road. I grew up in an abusive household where I witnessed physical, verbal abuse as well as alcoholism. I found my escape from that world through drugs alcohol at a young age. My depression grew worse as I grew older, and the pain was covered with more and more drug abuse.

I moved from Brawley to try and start a new life but everywhere I went to I would end up the same depression and the same drug addiction. This lifestyle kept me from having a family and achieving any goals in my life. Although there was a time in 2009 after my mother died that I knew I needed to make a change. I found God but fell away from Him and backslid. This happened many times over the past 12 years.

My sister found me in Brawley homeless and in a horrible state of mind. That is not to mention my physical state either. I was on the verge of death. She took me to Turning Point Men’s Home where I was loved back to health.
I was brought back into fellowship with God, and He helped me pick up the pieces of my life and he continues to restore me to the man He has called me to be. I honestly believe this is my last chance, so I hold on to this with all my heart.

I thank all the staff members at Turning Point Men’s Home for all what they did for me, and all the other men that are there. I thank God to for having a place like Turning Point Men’s Home, and for all those who support this Ministry.

Without your support it would not be possible to keep the doors open here. I was a life that has been changed and I thank you all for being a part of that.