It Is Still A Merry Christmas

December 2020 image
All of us here at TP would like to wish all off you a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.  We would like to also thank you for partnering with us for another year helping continue to do the Lords work. As of November 2020, we have entered our 26th year of ministry and we are excited for the opportunity to continue to help those with life controlling problems.

Like many of you, we are looking forward to putting 2020 behind us. It has been a year we will not soon forget. The Covid-19 crisis has affected our nation and all of us who reside here. It has also affected many businesses which has trickled down to affecting many households. Which in return has really affected our bottom line here at TP.

Our support this year has taken a significant turn for the worst. It has dropped a good 35%. We were not able to hold our annual banquet fundraiser this year as well. The annual banquet is what helps sustain us throughout the year.  We are so grateful for those who bought tables and did not want a refund. But we missed out on the silent auction and offering income from that evening which could have easily been $20,000. We have had to close our car wash because at this time we just do not feel it is safe to reopen. The closing of our car wash has cost us about $2,500 a month in revenue.

I guess it would be fair to say we need your support now more then ever. Please do not get me wrong we are keeping the faith and we are not slowing down a bit. We have been blessed that through all that has gone on this year that we have been able to keep all our 6 staff members working full time. We have adapted to this crisis and have continued to receive men into the program while taking all precautions necessary to keep everyone healthy.

We have been operating by faith for 26 years and we will continue to do so during the pandemic. We know that our God will supply all our needs and many times he will do it through folks like yourself.
We thank you for your partnership throughout the years and the investment you have made in the lives of these men. I came to this home on July 21, 2004 and I was a life that was changed.

Thank you all and God Bless
Pastor Norman Chandler

Updates To Our Typical
Christmas Traditions

Decemer scripture image
Turning Point Men’s Home thanks all of those who support the program through sponsorship, monthly pledges, car wash, lawn mowing, other miscellaneous work, purchasing tickets to our BBQ or Banquet, and by the many wonderful people who keep this program in prayer.

Please continue to keep this ministry in your prayers in 2021, as we continue to work towards the goal of leading men to Christ and helping them get their lives on track.

Due to the COVID-19 we will be doing our annual give-away (12/19/20) a bit different and if you would like to donate for that you can put Christmas-Give-Away on the memo.